The ability to communicate about Training Fund services to
our members and to use information gathered in classes and sessions for further
training is important to the Training Fund.
Unless you decline photo/video by the Fund, by completing
this form you authorize and agree that the SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
Multi-Employer Training & Education Fund and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW may use
photographic images or video footage of you, or in which you are included,
taken during Training Fund related classes, sessions, or events, for public
relations, program marketing, electronic media, or educational purposes.
To opt out from photo/video use, please send a separate
email your Regional Education Navigator or stating
that you do not want your images/video to be used for Training Fund purposes.
You may opt out of photo/video use at any time.
Please talk with your Navigator (if you don’t have one, one will be assigned on
submittal of this form) if you have questions on photo/video use.